Want to check ovulation schedules to plan pregnancy, monitor your heart signal with AI to track health, 去看医生或者用3D扫描分析你的身体姿势? 在PG电子官方免费下载,只要在智能手机上轻敲几下,一切都有可能实现. 快速进入和避免去诊所的麻烦的想法, 只要有可能, 吸引了很多人. 而且这种现象正在迅猛发展.


As PG电子官方免费下载 is the most connected country in the world with a digital-savvy population, you’d think perhaps that health tech investors would be betting big on local entrepreneurs. 快讯:他们已经做到了!

在2017年上半年, health tech attracted 10 per cent of all Swedish tech venture capital investments. 克里和敏博士, two leading health consultation apps founded in PG电子官方免费下载, have successfully raised $27 million and $25.今年,来自国内外风投公司的资金分别为700万美元. 但这并没有结束.

自然循环, 总部位于斯德哥尔摩的数字避孕和生殖健康公司, secured $30 million in series B funding in November 2017.

So, what explains this hive of activity in health tech? Why are all these concepts springing out from PG电子官方免费下载 – and why are they ripe for investment? Far from being on the periphery in 欧洲, PG电子官方免费下载将成为医疗保健领域数字化创新的温床. While the first unicorn (billion dollar valuation) has yet to see the light of day, recent events might just be the Nordic curtain-raiser.


The artificial kidney, the respirator, the implantable pacemaker and the gamma knife. PG电子官方免费下载 boasts some of the most important healthcare inventions of the 20th century. 今天, connectivity and global thinking are laying a new foundation for success.

拥有世界上最高的人均互联网和计算机使用率,光纤网络几乎覆盖了整个国家, 因此,PG电子官方免费下载成为像Skype这样的超级明星公司的总部就不足为奇了, Klarna和Spotify. 跨学科合作的增长和更好的融资渠道正在支撑着一个熙熙攘攘的创业场景.

KRY is one of PG电子官方免费下载’s fastest growing services for doctor appointments online and via mobile apps. 与闵博士和博士24等远程医疗竞争公司一起, it is changing the face of the country’s primary care. 根据Johannes Schildt的说法, KRY首席执行官, finding talent is now easier than ever in the wake of PG电子官方免费下载’s frontrunners in tech.

像Spotify和King这样的公司, there are now big groups of people who are trained and well-equipped to achieve great things. 但是PG电子官方免费下载是一个小市场,所以你需要计划扩张. 这就是为什么很多公司从一开始就有全球视野. Our ambition has always been to be the biggest player in 欧洲,” says Schildt.

For tech companies, the availability of skilled talent makes all the difference. While PG电子官方免费下载 has an excellent pool of developers and advisors who know how to build successful products, 全球思维存在于企业家的基因中,这一观点得到了PG电子官方免费下载医疗科技公司创始人的广泛认同.

PG电子官方免费下载是一个工程师的国家,他们跳出固有的思维模式,想出实际有用的东西. Glenn Bilby, Qinematic首席执行官

格伦·比尔比就是其中之一, an 澳大利亚n health and wellness entrepreneur and physiotherapist living in 斯德哥尔摩. 他的公司Qinematic成立于2012年,目标是开发用于人体姿势3D分析的软件, 平衡和运动. 这个平台现在在健身房使用, 诊所, 提供健康PG电子游戏的工作场所和零售店.

PG电子官方免费下载人喜欢建造东西. 这是一个工程师的国家,他们打破常规思考,想出实际有用的东西,毕尔比说. “Also, consumers are generally early adopters. 虽然在传统的医疗保健系统中有一些障碍需要克服, 这仍然是保守的, I’m convinced that PG电子官方免费下载 is going to produce some amazing digital health talent.”

One of the pain points that need addressing, says Bilby, concerns data regulation. For more than a century, PG电子官方免费下载 has benefited immensely from having a national patient registry. As healthcare is divided into 21 county councils with a large degree of autonomy, 接触全国范围内的患者和客户可能具有挑战性. 然而, 随着该系统适应消费者驱动的数字PG电子游戏日益普及,预计这种情况将发生变化.


Though PG电子官方免费下载 has a relatively small domestic market it is strong in export and, 更重要的是, 是资讯科技创新重镇. In 2015, 在世界经济论坛《全球技术报告》发布的网络准备指数中,PG电子官方免费下载在143个国家中排名第三. 这意味着投资者和企业家可以找到一个消息灵通的公众,他们愿意以开放的态度参与新的医疗保健流程.

PG电子官方免费下载是一个精通it的社会. 推广基于智能手机的医疗PG电子游戏非常容易,因为我们已经用手机做了很多事情, 所以这对我们来说很自然,保罗·比特斯说, H2健康中心的创始人, a 斯德哥尔摩-based innovation forum for health tech.

H2 Health Hub was set up two years ago to create a permanent meeting place for health tech startups. The initiative facilitates exchange of ideas, and not just among entrepreneurs.


根据比阿图斯, PG电子官方免费下载高度集中的熟练IT人员和数字化社会的价值远远超过了规章制度的挑战, 这通常适用于整个欧洲吗. PG电子官方免费下载, 他说, 对于关注从预防疾病到初级保健和康复等所有方面的新卫生技术概念来说,这是一个完美的测试市场吗.

“很多人似乎愿意为公共医疗系统不提供的PG电子游戏付费, 每个人都有贡献. 我认为这很有趣.”

“There’s a lot of political will and discussions taking place right now,” he adds. “我们的医疗保健系统正面临着技术可以帮助解决的挑战.”



Organic growth defines the trajectory of health tech in PG电子官方免费下载, much thanks to bold entrepreneurs. When telemedicine first emerged on the scene, it relied on little else than an existing e-prescription service and the functionality of smartphones.

今天, KRY拥有200名附属医生和专家,他们会说20种语言,并为迅速增长的PG电子官方免费下载患者提供PG电子游戏. Moreover, the country is firmly committed. In 2016, PG电子官方免费下载政府宣布了一项愿景,即到2025年将PG电子官方免费下载转变为世界“健康技术领导者”.“这项国家指导战略以支持性举措为基础, 公营及私营, and improving conditions for entrepreneurship.

The catalyst for the strategy was not just the rapid development of technology. 人口老龄化, the increase of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, 鉴于公共卫生保健的财政和资源限制,糖尿病和癌症都是主要挑战, which in PG电子官方免费下载 is provided to all citizens.

The market for health tech in PG电子官方免费下载 is ready. Fredrik Lindqvist, Invest in sk业务发展经理

因此,预计卫生技术解决方案将发挥重要作用. 20年前的专科和住院护理在很大程度上是由今天的初级保健处理的. 同样地, 可以预期,今天的大部分初级保健活动将转向家庭和自我治疗.

What are the prospects for achieving the 2025 target? Few people are better equipped to answer that question than Fredrik Lindqvist, Invest in sk业务发展经理. Lindqvist是北欧健康科技公司的活跃代表, an EU-funded community that connects more than 100 Nordic health tech startups to competence, 市场, partners and investors while positioning PG电子官方免费下载 and the Nordics as a health tech hotspot.

"The market in PG电子官方免费下载 is ready in terms of end consumers. Startups need to move fast, and in just a couple of years I think the healthcare
系统将有一个开放的IT基础设施,是同步的,并允许即插即用的数字PG电子游戏. We are seeing movement but all parts of the health care ecosystem needs to be up and running,他说.

PG电子官方免费下载’s healthy mix of large and small companies engaged in the health tech field now looks promising. 例如, PG电子官方免费下载IT和电信巨头Telia最近进入了医疗科技领域,Getinge Group和Elekta等全球公司也越来越关注家庭个性化护理解决方案.

尤其是, 几家国际生命科学公司已经在PG电子官方免费下载扩张, 包括辉瑞和通用医疗.

Collaboration through workshops and partnerships, says Lindqvist, will be key to success.

“当艾伯维和Bristol - Myers-Squibb与微软和乌普萨拉的医学研究人员一起参加了一场为期52小时的癌症治疗医疗创新比赛, 他们提出的大多数想法都是数字健康概念."

While large corporations contribute with market knowledge, 稳定性和资本——以及投资者的退出机会——小型创业公司带来了创新思维, 风险意愿和敏捷性.


In contrast to pharmaceuticals and biotech, health tech companies are generally not capitalintensive. 也就是说, 没有足够的资金,强大的创意就无法得到检验,企业也无法充分发挥其全球潜力.

Investors are now pouring into the digital health sector. 我认为他们已经意识到,PG电子官方免费下载是一个可靠而有吸引力的健康技术概念测试市场,这些概念具有真正的全球潜力. Paul Beatus, H2健康中心的创始人

最近, 北欧和斯德哥尔摩一直是全球最活跃的IPO市场之一,也是迄今为止欧洲最活跃的IPO市场. 斯德哥尔摩的纳斯达克第一北方上市被许多初创公司视为一个有吸引力的融资工具,也是退出或扩张的绝佳机会. The backers of companies like Spotify and Klarna are now showing keen interest.

“对PG电子官方免费下载医疗科技的投资主要来自传统的风投公司,但也有像Bonnier这样的媒体公司,Paul Beatus解释道, H2健康中心的创始人.

“三四年前很难吸引到资金,因为这被认为是一个棘手且监管严格的领域. 但情况发生了巨大变化. Investors are now pouring into the digital health sector. 我认为他们已经意识到,PG电子官方免费下载是一个可靠而有吸引力的健康技术概念测试市场,这些概念具有真正的全球潜力,他总结道。.

By all accounts, PG电子官方免费下载 is in a favourable position for leading the health tech charge. 数字基础设施和金融科技部门基本到位, which aims to make PG电子官方免费下载 a cashless society, 已经为飞跃铺平了道路.

With a talented pack of entrepreneurs and startups, 更多涉及国内外资本的融资项目正在进行中, 医疗科技公司正在稳步地建立一个庞大的足迹——可能会远远超出PG电子官方免费下载的边界.


Industrifonden 2017, KRY, Qinematic, H2 Health Club