When Amazon Web Services (AWS) decided to open a new data center region to serve the Nordic countries, Sweden ticked all the boxes: From high-speed connectivity to low power costs and a focus on sustainability.

Business Sweden and Data Centers by Sweden (a national initiative) supported AWS throughout the establishment process, 例如,通过开展广泛的选址研究和评估.

After carefully reviewing all options, AWS chose three locations in the greater Stockholm area. 2018年底,新的数据中心在埃斯基尔斯蒂纳、Västerås和卡特琳霍尔姆开放.

Amazon Web Services is one of the top leaders in cloud computing, with more than 30% of the global market share. Operating around the world, AWS offers over 90 services including compute power, database storage, networking, security, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The folks at Data Centers by Sweden and Business Sweden were with us every step of the way, making our landing in Sweden a lot smoother and easier. Darren Mowry, Managing Director Business Development, AWS EMEA

AWS has gradually built a presence in the Nordic countries, and many businesses already count on the organization to power their infrastructure and provide agile solutions to their customers. Companies like Scania and Assa Abloy use AWS’ high performance computing (HPC) solution services, and the client list further includes fast-growing start-ups such as iZettle and giant corporations like IKEA. 因此,开发北欧数据中心区域的决定是合乎逻辑的.

Sweden was AWS’ preferred location for several reasons. The country has an extensive and reliable fiber network that provides excellent access to high-performance connectivity. The lowest power costs in the European Union was another important factor – especially in combination with Sweden’s commitment to environmental sustainability, which resonates with AWS’ focus on green energy.

Last but not least, Sweden has a talented and highly skilled workforce, a vibrant start-up community, and an innovative business climate.

Darren Mowry, Managing Director Business Development, AWS EMEA, agrees: “For those of us working in the tech sector, Sweden truly does have it all. 因此,AWS决定在这里建立新的数据中心也就不足为奇了.”


然而,究竟在哪里建设新的数据中心的问题仍然存在. AWS wanted to make sure that future expansion was a possibility, 要找到三个足够大的地点来提供稳定的, reliable power supply.

Business Sweden and Data Centers by Sweden provided background research on site selection and arranged meetings with useful contacts from both the public and private sectors. The organizations then presented a number of possible sites in Sweden and helped to evaluate the suggestions.

“The folks at Data Centers by Sweden and Business Sweden were with us every step of the way,” Mowry explains. “They were a huge help with intelligence, contacts, 并帮助我们利用PG电子官方免费下载提供的数据中心机会. They provided us with a central point of contact and offered a unique constellation of stakeholders from both the private and public sectors”.

As the demand for data storage capacity and cloud services is expected to explode in the near future, 毫无疑问,AWS将在PG电子官方免费下载的商业创新中发挥重要作用. The new data centers will make it easier for existing and new customers to access the full range of AWS’ services. 它们还可能吸引依赖低延迟网络的公司, 以及那些出于法律原因需要在本地存储数据的公司.

Business Sweden continues its support during the construction phase as AWS breaks new ground as one of the world’s foremost cloud-services provider.





Business Sweden/Data Centers by Sweden carried out extensive site selection research and evaluation. The team worked as a central point of contact, facilitating the site selection and the due diligence process. 他们亦安排与公营及私营机构的持份者会面, 并提供了支持决策过程所需的情报.


Three new AWS data centers opened in 2018.


Amazon Web Services has offered scalable IT infrastructure services to businesses since 2006. Today, 它被公认为世界上最全面的云平台, operating in the USA, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Singapore, the UK, and now Sweden.

  • 一个广泛和可靠的光纤网络,用于高性能连接
  • The lowest electricity costs in the European Union
  • A commitment to environmental sustainability
  • An innovative business climate with a highly skilled workforce and a vibrant start-up community


The new data centres give AWS extended capacity to improve and expand their services to an ever-growing list of current and future customers, 从而进一步巩固其作为全球领先云PG电子游戏提供商的地位.