Our latest Executive Global Insights

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The semiconductor imperative

Semiconductors are a common denominator of the green transition – and the race is now on to ensure resilient supply chains. In this report we explore the impact of geopolitics on the semiconductor industry and outline actions that can be taken to minimise volatility and risk.

The road to personalised medicine

Healthcare systems across the globe are under continuous stress – but personalised medicine is now the recipe for change. Find out how Swedish companies can accelerate the era of data-driven disease prevention and tailored treatments.

Unlocking the global green transition

The stage is set for Swedish companies as the global race to decarbonise intensifies. This study outlines five key opportunities in energy and transport and presents a roadmap for maximising your impact in four regions.

Global analysis
Business Sweden continuously monitors markets globally, and analyses the effects on Swedish companies’ internationalisation. Our reports provide a broad view of Swedish exports and foreign investments.
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Latest podcasts

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Join Sweden: Behind the scenes of Sweden’s green momentum

Sweden’s climate-smart, system-wide solutions for going green and digital are attracting the international spotlight. But how can other countries tap into the momentum and join Sweden on its mission? Listen in as Anna Hallberg, Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs, and Business Sweden’s CEO Jan Larsson share their inside perspectives.

South Korean Sono Group establishes a brand new concept on the High Coast

At Business Sweden, we see a substantial increase from foreign investors to invest in Swedish tourism. Swedes are considered early adopters and open to new trends. When Sono Group made an enquiry about building a new resort on the High Coast, the region turned to Business Sweden to help develop the relationship.

Unleashing AI's potential with innovative data use, collaboration, and bold thinking

To build a future that delivers smart society solutions, we need to leverage the power of data and digital technology. Sweden has emerged as an innovation test bed for AI, edge learning, and more, and this is driving collaboration and growth. Listen to insights from Business Sweden’s DigiTech investment expert Alexander Morrone and Ebba Josefson Lindqvist, project manager for The Data Factory at AI Sweden.

Client cases

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Telenor Connexion boost business with streamlined employment services

Telenor Connexion have a wide-reaching global presence working with some of the largest automotive industry exporters. But with relatively small local sales and tech support teams, they rely on a long-standing relationship with Business Sweden to provide a streamlined and tailored solution to their local employment needs in China, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Korea, and Hong Kong. But that’s just part of the story.

Ivisys transforms US manufacturing with AI-powered machines

IVISYS, a rising star in machine vision solutions, is set to revolutionise manufacturing, distribution centres and plant operations in the US using advanced AI technology. The company teamed up with Business Sweden to quickly gain market access and tackle local operational challenges – and is now firmly on the path of growth.

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Navigating Singapore’s agri-food tech landscape

Innovation is accelerating rapidly in the agri-food tech sector with Singapore in the vanguard of progress. A new report from Business Sweden maps out the local opportunities.

The krona and Swedish exports

The weak Swedish krona is having a significant impact on exports of goods and the ability of Swedish export companies to capture opportunities in global markets. This is revealed by a new survey presented by Business Sweden, based on interviews with some 300 financial directors across key industry sectors.

Unlocking the semiconductor puzzle

Semiconductors are the heartbeat of our digital world - but to power the digital transition, production across the supply chain must be both sustainable and resilient. Taiwan is emerging as a production hub, ramping up production to meet global demand but also in response to the challenges presented by major global events and geopolitics. But what opportunities are there for Swedish companies?

The radiant rise of Taiwan's beauty industry

Discover the allure of Taiwan's booming beauty market—a dynamic landscape offering companies opportunities for growth and innovation. With robust performance across skincare, hair care, and cosmetics, this market showcases resilience and adaptability. But how can Swedish companies navigate growth potential, consumer needs, and sales channels in this booming market?

Liberia – A market on the rise

Sweden's historical trade relations with Liberia are poised to enter a new era as Liberia emerges as a vibrant hub for sustainable growth in West Africa. Explore the country’s thriving potential and get strategic insights to successfully navigate the local business landscape.

Smart Society Sweden podcast series shines a light on personalised medicine

Life science takes the spotlight in the latest episode of Smart Society Sweden – an insightful podcast series jointly presented by Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation and Business Sweden. Tune in to explore Sweden’s pioneering advances in personalised medicine.

From the blog

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New kid on the block in Asia’s battery industry

The Asia-Pacific region is at the forefront of the global battery storage market. But the spotlight is not only on the incumbent players when it comes to battery investments. It’s time to make way for India – here’s why.

Is India the next supply chain hub?

Geopolitics is changing the playing field for Asian supply chains and India’s new role as an emerging manufacturing and logistics hub is picking up momentum. Here’s a look at the latest developments – and why Swedish companies should pay close attention.

India’s manufacturing sector

With improved operating conditions, cost competitiveness, a significant talent pool and success in meeting outsourcing requirements, India is inching closer to China in becoming a preferred global manufacturing hub.

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